Tapas Triana
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Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 16:00 y de 20:00 a Cierre, Sábados y Domingos de 12:00 a 16:00 y de 20:00 a Cierre
Dirección: Calle Esperanza de Triana Nº 22. Sevilla
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Bar/Abacería Ajibache
Acogedor Bar con los botellines más fríos, Montaditos de Todo Tipo....
Tapas Tapa ½ Ración Ración
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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1.80€   ----- -----
Boquerones en Vinagre 1.80€   ----- -----
Pimientos Asados con Atún 1.80€   ----- -----
Tomate Aliñao 1.80€   ----- -----
Anchoas 1.80€   ----- -----
Ensalada Mixta 4.50€   ----- -----
Ensalada de Espinacas 4.50€   ----- -----
Ensalada de Rúcula con Carpacho 2.80€   ----- -----
Carne con Tomate 5.00€   ----- -----
Bocaditos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Morcilla (Bocadito) 1.80€   ----- -----
Queso Brie con Cebolla Caramelizada (Bocadito) 1.80€   ----- -----
Queso de Cabra con Mermelada de Tomate (Bocadito) 1.80€   ----- -----
Pisto con Queso Gratinado (Bocadito) 1.80€   ----- -----
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 , Virutas de Carne Mechada y Queso (Bocadito Especial de la Casa)
1.80€   ----- -----
Montaditos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Jamón, Tomate y Aceite (Montadito
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Carne Mechá (Montadito
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Anchoa y Queso Fresco (Montadito
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Pimientos Asados con Atún (Montadito
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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1.80€   ----- -----
Bacalao y Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Solomillo al Whisky (Montadito
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.50€   ----- -----
Pollo al Aljibache (Montadito
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Nachos con Pisto 2.80€   ----- -----
Nachos con Carne 3.20€   ----- -----
Nachos con Pollo 3.20€   ----- -----
Burrito de carne 2.00€   ----- -----
Burrito de Pollo 2.00€   ----- -----
Bebidas Vaso/Copa Jarra Botella
Cerveza 1.10€ ----- -----
Cerveza (Botellin) 0.80€ ----- -----
Vino Tinto 1.60€ ----- -----
Rivera 1.80€ ----- -----
Vino Blanco 1.60€ ----- -----
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Este establecimiento no tiene Ofertas actualmente.
Este establecimiento no tiene ningun Menú actualmente.
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