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Horario: 7:00-16:00/19:00-00:00 (Lunes Cerrado)
Teléf.: 669960698
Dirección: Calle Fray Tomas de Berlanga Nº 13. Sevilla
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Bar El Rincón de la Tita Chari
Especialidad en Comidas Caseras y en Atención al Cliente.
Terraza Televisión por satélite Servicio a Recoger
Aperitivos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Ensaladilla 2.00€   4.00€ 8.00€
Papas Ali-oli
Ali-oli potatoes
Cooked potatoes with a sauce made from garlic, olive oil, egg, parsley and lemon juice, seasoned to the cooker's liking.
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2.00€   4.00€ 8.00€
Papas Bravas 2.00€   4.00€ 8.00€
Pimientada 2.00€   4.00€ 8.00€
Pulpo a la Gallega
Pulpo a la Gallega
Pulpo cocido y cortado, aderezado con pimentón, aceite, sal...
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2.00€   4.00€ 8.00€
Chacinas Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Jamón Ibérico 2.00€   6.00€ 12.00€
Queso viejo
Cured cheese
The minimum period of the maturing time for this type of cheese, it is 100 days. Its strong flavour deserves the most discerning palates
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2.00€   6.00€ 10.00€
Morcilla Ibérica 2.00€   6.00€ 9.00€
Variado de Chacina -----   5.00€ 10.00€
Montaditos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  de Lomo
2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Palometa y Queso
2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Anchoa y Queso
2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Melva y Morrón
2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.00€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.50€   ----- -----
Plancha Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Barbecued steak
Usually pork steak between 1 and 2 centimetres of thickness. It is served with French potatoes.
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  de Cerdo
-----   4.00€ -----
Barbecued steak
Usually pork steak between 1 and 2 centimetres of thickness. It is served with French potatoes.
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  de Pollo
-----   4.00€ -----
It is a sandwich made from pork steak or chicken steak, Iberian ham, tomato (raw tomatoe) and fried pepper
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  de Cerdo
-----   4.00€ -----
It is a sandwich made from pork steak or chicken steak, Iberian ham, tomato (raw tomatoe) and fried pepper
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  de Pollo
-----   4.00€ -----
Pinchito de Pollo -----   2.00€ -----
Pez Espada -----   2.00€ -----
It is a sandwich made from pork steak or chicken steak, Iberian ham, tomato (raw tomatoe) and fried pepper
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  Especial con Tortilla Francesa
-----   4.50€ -----
Guisos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Menudo 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Espinacas 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Carrillá Ibérica 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Solomillo al Whisky 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Fritos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Adobo 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Choco 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Bacalao 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Croquetas Caseras 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Lagrimitas de Pollo 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Bartolitos 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Gambas Rebozadas 2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Especialidades Tapa ½ Ración Ración
El Pero de la Tita 6.00€   ----- -----
Tortilla de Jamón o Escombros 2.00€   ----- -----
It is typical from Córdoba and Jaén. It consists of a loin of pork steak (it could be chicken steak) rolled up with Iberian ham, garlic and parsley. Then it is coated in batter and breadcrumbs. It is served fried,
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5.00€   ----- -----
Vegetables sautéed with egg
Ingredients (normally vegetables) sautéed with egg. IIt is not a fried egg or an omelet.It is a hybrid.
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  de Habitas con Jamón
2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Gambas al Ajillo
Shrimp with garlic
Fried shrimps with lightly fried garlic, olive oil, cayenne pepper and spices.
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2.00€   5.00€ 9.00€
Bebidas Vaso/Copa Jarra Botella
Cerveza 1.10€ ----- -----
Cerveza Sin 1.00€ ----- -----
Tinto de verano 1.00€ ----- -----
Vino (Rioja) 1.50€ ----- -----
Refrescos 1.10€ ----- -----
Vinos de temporada 0.50€ ----- -----
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Este establecimiento no tiene ningun Menú actualmente.
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