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Horario: 6:00/2:00
Teléf.: 699224470
Dirección: Ronda de Triana Nº 28. Sevilla
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Bar La Rocina Jamón
Especialista en Jamón de Pata Negra, Carne Ibérica, Quesos Viejos, Caldereta y Conejo. Todo Comida Casera.
Entrantes Tapa ½ Ración Ración
It is the mixture of spices and other condiments (olive oil, vinegar, salt...)
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 s Varios
2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Corazones de Alcachofa en Taquitos de Jamón y Mel -----   ----- 12.00€
Ensalada Mixta -----   7.00€ -----
Ensalada de Tomate con Melva -----   7.00€ -----
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  con Taquitos de Jamón y Huevo
2.50€   6.00€ 10.00€
Ensaladilla de Cangrejo 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Chacinas Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Jamón 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Queso 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Salchichón Ibérico 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Morcilla de Hígado 2.00€   6.00€ 10.00€
Panceta al Horno 2.00€   6.00€ 10.00€
Relleno Coripeño 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Caña Lomo 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Montaditos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Melva y Morrón
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Roque y Jamón
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Chorizo Picante
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Gambas y Alioli
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y Jamón
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Jamón y Queso
3.00€   ----- -----
Ingrediente cárnico del puchero, que después de la coción, puede untarse en pan. Típico de Andalucía.
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2.50€   ----- -----
Guisos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Guiso del Día 2.50€   5.00€ 8.00€
Carne con Tomate 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Parrilla Ibérica 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Menudo con Garbanzos 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Albóndogas de Choco 2.50€   7.00€ 10.00€
Revueltos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Habas Fritas con Jamón -----   ----- 12.00€
Espárragos con Taquitos de Jamón -----   ----- 12.00€
Chanquetada -----   ----- 12.00€
Mariscos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Gambón Plancha -----   7.00€ 12.00€
Gambas -----   ----- -----
Pescados Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Pijotas 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Pez Espada -----   ----- 12.00€
Choco Frito 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Choco Plancha 2.50€   7.00€ 12.00€
Carnes Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Barbecued steak
Usually pork steak between 1 and 2 centimetres of thickness. It is served with French potatoes.
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-----   7.00€ -----
Barbecued steak
Usually pork steak between 1 and 2 centimetres of thickness. It is served with French potatoes.
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-----   8.00€ -----
Solomillo al Whisky -----   7.00€ 12.00€
Castañeta 2.00€   7.00€ 12.00€
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Este establecimiento no tiene ningun Menú actualmente.
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