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Horario: 7:00-00:00
Teléf.: 954001000
Dirección: Plaza del Altozano Nº6. Sevilla
Patatas rellenas, pollo al curry
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Café/Bar Altozano
Especialista en carrillada y albóndigas con guisantes.
Climatización Terraza
Montaditos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Filete a la Brasa
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Queso Fresco con Anchoas
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Jamón con Roquefort
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  de queso puro de oveja
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Tortilla de Patatas
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Melva con Pimientos
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Carne Mechada
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Chorizo Picante
2.50€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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Ingrediente cárnico del puchero, que después de la coción, puede untarse en pan. Típico de Andalucía.
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2.50€   ----- -----
Panes de la Casa Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Pan de Aceite, Tomate y Jamón -----   ----- 10.00€
Pan de Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  aceite y jamon
-----   ----- 10.00€
Tabla de chacina iberica queso,jamon, chorizo, morcon,caña de lomo Tapa ½ Ración Ración
albondigas con guisantes 2.50€   4.50€ -----
carne con tomate 2.50€   4.50€ -----
espinacas con garbanzo 2.50€   4.50€ -----
tortilla de patata 2.50€   4.50€ -----
pollo al curry 2.50€   4.50€ -----
boquerones en vinagre 2.50€   4.50€ -----
ensaladilla rusa 2.50€   4.50€ -----
patatas rellenas 2.50€   ----- 10.00€
chorizo picante 2.50€   4.50€ -----
carne mecha' 2.50€   4.50€ -----
Es el tocino de la cabeza del cerdo, generalmente servida en salsa abundante.
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2.50€   4.50€ -----
Bebidas Vaso/Copa Jarra Botella
Cerveza 1.20€ ----- -----
Tinto de Verano 1.20€ ----- -----
Refrescos 1.50€ ----- -----
Vino Rioja (Crianza) 2.00€ ----- -----
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