Tapas Triana
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Horario: 12:30-16:30/20:00-00:30
Teléf.: 954338303
Dirección: Ronda de Triana Nº29. Sevilla
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Bar Ca'r Conde Triana
Bar con tapas tradicionales de elaboración casera. Amplio salón para reuniones y celebraciones. Realmente Güeno!!!
Climatización Internet Terraza Acepta Tarjeta Acceso para Minusvalido Servicio a Recoger
CAZUELAS Tapa ½ Ración Ración
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 , Huevo y Jamón
2.50€   ----- -----
Tito Salva 2.50€   ----- -----
De la Abuela 2.50€   ----- -----
REVUELTOS Tapa ½ Ración Ración
GIRALDA (bacalao y gambas) 9.00€   ----- -----
TORRE DEL ORO (jamón, gambas y champiñones) 9.00€   ----- -----
MAESTRANZA (ajetes, gambas y champiñones) 9.00€   ----- -----
¿Por qué no te Callas? (jamón, chorizo, salchic 6.00€   ----- -----
PANES Tapa ½ Ración Ración
DE MI TIERRA (Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y jamón)
8.00€   ----- -----
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 , jamón y huevos de codorn
9.00€   ----- -----
PLAZA ESPAÑA (solomillo y jamón) 10.00€   ----- -----
CATEDRAL (Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y bacalao ahumado)
9.00€   ----- -----
ALCAZAR (Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y distintos quesos gratinados)
9.00€   ----- -----
Real: solomillo y roque 1.90€   ----- -----
Sofía: carne mechada, ali oli y queso fresco 1.90€   ----- -----
Principito: Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 , jamón y huevo duro
1.90€   ----- -----
Leti: lomo adobao y jamón 1.90€   ----- -----
Infanta Leonor: pollo, tomate y jamón 1.90€   ----- -----
Elena: solomillo y salsa variada 1.90€   ----- -----
Froi: chorizo picante 1.90€   ----- -----
Cristi: Tortilla con Atún y Ali con Oli 1.90€   ----- -----
Urdi: solomillo, ali oli y queso 1.90€   ----- -----
Pequeño Juan: solomillo y chorizo picante 1.90€   ----- -----
Victoria: carne mechada y Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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1.90€   ----- -----
Pablo Nicolás: tortilla francesa y chorizo picant 1.90€   ----- -----
Miguelito: tortilla francesa y jamón 1.90€   ----- -----
Irenita: queso fresco, roquefort, viejo y orégano 1.90€   ----- -----
Pequeña Sofía: carne mechada, pimientos asados y 1.90€   ----- -----
Duquesa de Alba: tortilla francesa, gambas y ali 1.90€   ----- -----
Mª Eugenia: lomo adobado y queso 1.90€   ----- -----
Alfonso X El Sabio: Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y bacalao
1.90€   ----- -----
Carlos de Inglaterra: pollo y bacon 1.90€   ----- -----
Camila Parker: lomo adobado y bacon 1.90€   ----- -----
Palacio Real: solomillo y jamón 1.90€   ----- -----
Palacio de Marivent: solomillo, tomate y queso 1.90€   ----- -----
CHACINAS IBÉRICAS Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Jamón 3.00€   7.00€ 12.50€
Queso viejo
Cured cheese
The minimum period of the maturing time for this type of cheese, it is 100 days. Its strong flavour deserves the most discerning palates
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3.00€   7.00€ 12.50€
Chacina Variada -----   ----- 13.00€
SUGERENCIAS Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Camembert con Frambuesa 3.00€   ----- 10.00€
Berenjena Napolitana 2.50€   ----- -----
Pollo a la Mostaza 2.50€   ----- 7.00€
Merluza con Langostino a la Crema 3.00€   ----- 10.00€
Pastel de la Casa 3.00€   ----- -----
It is typical from Córdoba and Jaén. It consists of a loin of pork steak (it could be chicken steak) rolled up with Iberian ham, garlic and parsley. Then it is coated in batter and breadcrumbs. It is served fried,
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  de Pollo
3.00€   ----- -----
Pollo a la Carbonara 3.00€   ----- 10.00€
Crujiente de Berenjena 3.00€   ----- -----
Bartolitos 2.50€   ----- 7.00€
Mantecaito 3.00€   ----- -----
Dorada Plancha 3.00€   ----- -----
Chipi Plancha 2.50€   ----- 7.00€
Mini Serranito
It is a sandwich made from pork steak or chicken steak, Iberian ham, tomato (raw tomatoe) and fried pepper
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2.50€   ----- -----
Mini Burguer 2.50€   ----- -----
Patatas con Salsa a Elegir (roque, ali oli, ketchup, mahonesa, mojo, brava) 2.50€   ----- 4.50€
Ensalada Mixta 3.50€   ----- -----
Solomillo al whisky 3.00€   ----- 10.00€
Comida ensartada en un pincho, hecha a la plancha, generalmente lleva carne y verdura
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  de langostino
3.00€   ----- -----
Pincho de pollo 2.50€   ----- -----
Croquetas caseras 2.50€   ----- 7.00€
Queso de cabra al P.X. 4.50€   ----- -----
Olivas o chips 1.20€   ----- -----
Bebidas Vaso/Copa Jarra Botella
Cerveza 1.10€ ----- -----
Refrescos 1.35€ ----- -----
Zumos 1.50€ ----- -----
Combinados 5.00€ ----- -----
Vino Rioja (Azabache Cosecha, Vino de la Casa) 2.00€ ----- 9.00€
Vino Rioja (Lan Crianza) 3.00€ ----- 15.00€
Vino Rioja (Beronia Crianza) 3.00€ ----- 15.00€
Vino Ribera (Mayor de Castilla) 2.00€ ----- 9.00€
Vino Ribera ----- ----- -----
Vino Ribera ----- ----- -----
Vino De la Tierra (Señorio de Heliche) 1.50€ ----- 6.00€
Vino De la Tierra (Marqués de Heliche) 1.50€ ----- 6.00€
Vino De la Tierra (Vino de Naranja) 1.50€ ----- 7.00€
Vino De la Tierra (Solera 1.840) 1.50€ ----- 7.00€
Vino De la Tierra (Pedro Ximénez) 1.50€ ----- -----
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