Tapas Triana
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Horario: 12:00-16:00/20:00-00:00
Teléf.: 954270833
Dirección: Calle Trabajo Nº 16. Sevilla
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Bodega Las Tablas
Especialidad en panes de la casa, guisos, montaditos y tapas.
Climatización Terraza Acepta Tarjeta Acceso para Minusvalido
Tabla de Pan de la Casa Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Chacinas Variadas -----   ----- 12.00€
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y Jamón
-----   ----- 8.00€
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y Bacalao
-----   ----- 8.00€
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y Jamón
-----   ----- 8.00€
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y Lomo Mechado
-----   ----- 8.00€
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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  y Mojama de Atun
-----   ----- 8.50€
Jamón, Tomate, Aceite y Ajo -----   ----- 8.00€
Jamón, Crema de Queso y Tomate -----   ----- 8.00€
Jamón y Pimiento del Piquillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Lomo, Jamón y Aceite de Orégano -----   ----- 8.00€
Lomo y Pimiento del Piquillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Lomo y Bacalao en Aceite -----   ----- 8.00€
Lomo y Roquefor -----   ----- 8.00€
Bacalao en Aceite con Pimientón -----   ----- 8.00€
Bacalao y Pepinillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Bacalao y Pimiento del Piquillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Bacalao, Tomate y Aceite de Albahaca -----   ----- 8.00€
Boquerones con Pimiento del Piquillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Salmón, Tomate y Aceite de Eneldo -----   ----- 8.00€
Salmón, Crema de Queso y Tomate -----   ----- 8.00€
Salmón, Crema de Queso y Pimiento del Piquillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Salmón y queso Fresco -----   ----- 8.00€
Roquefort y Melva -----   ----- 8.00€
Roquefort y Salmón -----   ----- 8.00€
Mojama de Atún, Tomate y Aceite -----   ----- 8.50€
Anchoas y Queso Fresco -----   ----- 8.00€
Anchoas y Tomate -----   ----- 8.00€
Anchoas y Pimiento del Piquillo -----   ----- 8.00€
Montaditos Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Delicia Serrana (Jamón y Queso Curado)
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Lomo, Tomate y Jamón
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Lomo, Queso y Tocino
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Lomo al Whisky
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Jamón de Bellota (Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 , Queso Fresco, Tomate, Aceite)
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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Ingrediente cárnico del puchero, que después de la coción, puede untarse en pan. Típico de Andalucía.
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1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Chorizo Picante
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Morcilla Ibérica
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Bacalao en Aceite (Tomate Natural, Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Anchoas con Queso Fresco
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Salmón con Queso Fresco
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Roquefort (Jamón, Anchoas, Salmón, Salchichón Iberico)
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Mechada, Jamón y Mojopicón
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Gambas Alioli
1.80€   ----- -----
Two slices of bread with the ingredients between them. The ingredients are to your liking. It is similar to a sandwich but smaller.
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  Melva (Jamón, Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 ,Queso Fresco, anchoas y Pimientos)
1.80€   ----- -----
Tapa ½ Ración Ración
Jamón de Bellota 2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Caña de lomo
Cured loin of pork
Cured loin of pork. Fat-free practically
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2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Salchichón de Guijuelo 2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Chorizo Picante 2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Morcilla Serrana 2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Queso viejo
Cured cheese
The minimum period of the maturing time for this type of cheese, it is 100 days. Its strong flavour deserves the most discerning palates
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2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Mojama de Atún, Tomate y Aceite 2.20€   7.00€ 11.00€
Melva (Jamón, Salmorejo
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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 ,Queso Fresco, anchoas y Pimientos)
2.00€   6.50€ 9.00€
Pimientos Aliñados 2.00€   6.50€ 9.00€
Boquerones en Vinagre 2.00€   6.50€ 9.00€
Aceitunas 1.80€   ----- -----
Alcaparras 1.80€   ----- -----
Pork scratchings
it is the meat of the pork ribs turn it into a lump which is separeted from the fat through its frying. It is used to be cooked with cayenne pepper, salt, garlic and black pepper.
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1.80€   ----- -----
Almendras 1.80€   ----- -----
Tomates Aliñados 2.20€   ----- -----
A typical cold cream from Spain made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bread...The recipe changes depending on the cooker, some of them add peppers, vinegar, cucumber, onion...that every chef gives the dish his/her special touch.
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2.30€   ----- -----
Pastel de Berenjena 3.00€   ----- -----
Queso Brie con Mermelada 2.50€   ----- -----
Queso Cabra Gratinado 3.00€   ----- -----
Mouse de Pato con Caramelo de Tinto 4.00€   ----- -----
Caldereta de Ternera 2.30€   ----- -----
Calabacín Relleno de Carne 2.50€   ----- -----
Albóndigas en Salsa 2.30€   ----- -----
Alcachofas con Queso y Jamón 2.50€   ----- -----
Salchichas al Vino 2.30€   ----- -----
Provoleta con Tomate 2.50€   ----- -----
Gratén de Espinacas a la Crema 2.50€   ----- -----
Pastel de Cabracho 2.50€   ----- -----
Pastel de Atún y Pimientos del Piquillo 2.50€   ----- -----
Strudel de Merluza y Calabacín 2.50€   ----- -----
Gratinado con Ali-oli 2.50€   ----- -----
Puding de Pollo, Beicon y Champiñones 4 quesos 2.50€   ----- -----
Mejillones en Escabeche Casero 2.30€   ----- -----
Atún Machado con Cerezas 2.50€   ----- -----
Espinacas con Garbanzos 2.30€   ----- -----
Cecina de León con Parmesano -----   ----- 8.00€
Ensaladilla 2.00€   ----- -----
Bebidas Vaso/Copa Jarra Botella
Cerveza 1.20€ ----- -----
Tinto Verano 1.20€ ----- -----
Refresco 1.20€ ----- -----
Combinados 4.00€ ----- -----
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Este establecimiento no tiene ningun Menú actualmente.
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